Nautical Navigation |
B492 Nautical Navigation
This title traces the science of nautical navigation from its
primitive beginning through the modern electronic age.
Although history and theory is well covered, the
emphasis is on practical application.
The goal of navigation has always been to safely take a ship from
one place to another. The first mariners followed the
coast and relied on landmarks. The first known
navigational aid was the giant lighthouse built by
Alexander the Great over 2,000 years ago. Many more
would follow. By the 16th century, important channels
were marked by buoys.
Early mariners relied heavily on the position of the sun and stars
to determine their position and direction. They observed
the wind and tides. They learned to determine their
position with regard to coasts by taking soundings of
the water depth. They developed the log line to
determine speed.
Navigators have always needed to know position, direction, speed,
water depth and other things. Advances in knowledge and
technology have simply provided better means of
determining them. A modern-day navigator relies heavily
on electronic instruments, but wise ones also know all
of the time-honored techniques, which they can se to
double check instrument accuracy. The traditional
practices also provide an alternative method of
obtaining essential information in case the electronics
fail. This poster provides mariners with such knowledge.
STATUS: Complete. Plans call for it to be published in
2015, along with the other titles in the new Maritime
Heritage series. |