Synapsids |
A307 Synapsids – The Stem-Mammals
All forms of life mutate into slightly different forms, often
into many different forms. This process is known as
evolutionary radiation. The earth is continually changing.
Some of the mutations result in characteristics that permit
a species to survive in a new environment. Others lack it,
so they perish. The result is that one species eventually replaces
another. This process is well demonstrated by the fact that
no terrestrial vertebrate is known to have survived for more
than two million years.
Around 324 million years ago, some sauropsids (early reptiles)
developed unique characteristics, ones found in modern day
mammals. They have been described as being "more dog than
frog". They were the first synapsids. Taking advantage of an
abundance of new food sources, they radiated into many
different forms. They were the dominate terrestrial
vertebrates for the next forty million years. Then, they
were all but wiped out by the Permian Extinction Event, 251
million years ago. Their ecological niche was filled by the
sauropsids as they radiated into the dinosaurs, pterosaurs
and huge sea animals.
The reptiles ruled the Earth until falling victim to the Cretaceous
Extinction Event, 65 million years ago. The tables then
turned. Many animals became extinct, including the
dinosaurs. The few surviving synapsids quickly radiated into
modern day mammals.
This multi-faceted poster provides a comprehensive overview
of the synapsids. It introduces each of the synapsids groups
and shows many species, each accompanied by an informative
caption. Few animals have radiated so quickly into so many
different forms. Taking advantage of that, this poster also
presents the synapsids as a classic example of evolutionary
radiation, which becomes the poster’s theme. It is carefully
explained. This title shows how the first tetrapods
(terrestrial vertebrates) radiated into the synapsids, and
how the synapsids later radiated into mammals. Thus this
poster is also a comprehensive prehistory of the mammals.
This unique and totally original presentation of
interrelated information has never before been presented in
any media.
STATUS: Preliminary research and design complete. There are
very few illustrators who are qualified to create images of
these critters, as they lack detailed knowledge of their
unique physical characteristics, essential to creating
accurate images of them. We have been very fortunate in
finding a paleontologist-illustrator, who is very familiar
with the synapsids. Problem is that he spends most of his
time out on expeditions, resulting in our never knowing when
we will receive the next images. We have been patient,
because the result is worth it, but we cannot schedule a
completion date. |