History of the Earth |
E110 History of the Earth
Our Eras of Life geological time scale poster is
one of our most popular titles. It focuses on the last
360 million years, the period in which complex life
has lived on Earth. History of the Earth is another
geological time scale, but it greatly expands the
scope of the subject to present a comprehensive
overview of the entire 4.6 billion years of Earth’s
Geologists divide the history of the earth into four
eons. Each is represented by a strip of illustrations
and captions prefaced by an introduction.
Our planet began as a sphere of molten metal.
Heavier ores sunk to the center, resulting in gravity.
As Earth cooled, its crust was formed. Other topics
include the creation of the moon, the appearance of
various atmospheres, the formation of continents,
continental drift, snowball Earth, and the development
of life. The third through fifth pictures on the
bottom row reflect the period covered by Eras of
Life. The last picture shows the near future - the
results of humans destroying the environment..