Curiosity Cabinet Poster |
A901 - Curiosity Cabinet
Cabinets of natural curiosities were the precursors of today’s natural history
museums. They first appeared around 1500 in the courts of Italian princes. By the
beginning of the next century, they were quite popular and were found throughout
Albertus Seba (1665-1736), a Dutch apothecary, had one of the most extensive
collections of natural curiosities in the world. He commissioned artists to draw
all his specimens and then had them engraved and published as a set of folios.
This poster was created from those folios. All of this and more is presented in an
informative inset at the bottom of the poster.
Great care went into selecting a diverse range of subjects. They include shells,
coral, insects, reptiles, fish, crustaceans, and many other natural curiosities. They
are presented within a simulated “cabinet” border, permitting everyone to have
their very own curiosity cabinet..